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Re: Weight ON/IN the foot vs. OVER the foot
Posted by Quickstep
5/5/2007  1:21:00 AM
Those who know who I am refering to would tell you that she would put you in your place in no uncertain manner.
Re: Weight ON/IN the foot vs. OVER the foot
Posted by Anonymous
5/5/2007  6:49:00 AM
Re: Weight ON/IN the foot vs. OVER the foot
Posted by Quickstep
5/5/2007  5:22:00 PM
The moving foot is not supporting you. You know as well as we all do that we stay on the supporting leg as long as we can. That is up to the point of mid stride when the weight will be equally divided between the two feet and the drive from the standing foot will carry the body all the way to a position of balance.
Re: Weight ON/IN the foot vs. OVER the foot
Posted by Anonymous
5/6/2007  8:13:00 AM
"The moving foot is not supporting you. "

Glad to hear you finally say it - but the next step will be taking this fact into account when you explain things.

"You know as well as we all do that we stay on the supporting leg as long as we can."

On it, yes, but NOT OVER IT. If the body moves, it will not be able to stay over the supporting foot, instead it will project beyond the supporting foot into imbalance. It is still SUPPORTED by pressue from the standing foot (because there is no other means of support available), but it is no longer OVER the standing foot.

"That is up to the point of mid stride when the weight will be equally divided between the two feet and the drive from the standing foot will carry the body all the way to a position of balance."

Think about this: shortly before you reach your split weight, before there is any weight on your receiving foot, your body will be somewhere between your feet, but the only support will be from the standing leg. In other words, you will be OFF BALANCE with your body weight well past the foot that is supporting it. But that is fine, because your drive will move you faster than the small amount of falling that can occur in this time. It's the way people have been walking since, well, as long as they have been walking.
Re: Weight ON/IN the foot vs. OVER the foot
Posted by Quickstep
5/6/2007  11:27:00 PM
At the end of the stride you will have equall weight on each foot, its called split weight. Up to that position there is contact with the floor. Repeat after me. Ball then heel skimming the floor. Lower the front foot to the floor imediately. It is better to think of rolling the front foot to the floor which will also roll your back heel off the floor. This is called using the whole of both feet.
Dancing is not walking. When you walk either backwards or forwards you lift your feet off the floor. Which means there is very little to compare one to the other.In dancing the swing dances we stay in contact with the floor. How many more times do you need to be told. Go to your room and don't come out. You can come out for this. When they say stay on the standing leg longer that includes keeping that leg behind and don't bring it up to the other too quickly. Please look at Jonathan' s Feather Step video clip beginning of and finishing of the third step.
Re: Weight ON/IN the foot vs. OVER the foot
Posted by Anonymous
5/7/2007  7:16:00 AM
"At the end of the stride you will have equall weight on each foot, its called split weight."

You may, in fully flighted dancing I don't.

"Up to that position there is contact with the floor. Repeat after me. Ball then heel skimming the floor."

What you fail to realize is that:

- While a foot off the floor cannot be supporting weight

- A foot ON the floor IS NOT NECESSARILY supporting any weight.

My feet are both on the floor, and in fact stationary on it, but at mid stride there is brief period during which NEITHER is really supporting me.

"Dancing is not walking. When you walk either backwards or forwards you lift your feet off the floor. Which means there is very little to compare one to the other. In dancing the swing dances we stay in contact with the floor. How many more times do you need to be told."

Repeate after me: A MOVING FOOT, EVEN IF IT IS ONE THE FLOOR, IS NOT BEARING ANY BODY WEIGHT. As a result, the dynamics of walking don't really alter by keeping the feet on the floor. It's still basically walking - just a bit bigger and smoother and lower for dancing purposes.

"Go to your room and don't come out."

Please take your own advice!

"When they say stay on the standing leg longer that includes keeping that leg behind and don't bring it up to the other too quickly."

I'm fairly sure I leave my departed leg stationary a heck of a lot longer than you do! In fact, like Jonathan's video, there are situaions where my depearted leg will NOT EVEN CLOSE until AFTER THE ARRIVING HEEL HAS LOWERED - which is, contrary to your infantile triviasm, exactly what is required on for example step three of a feather.
Re: Weight ON/IN the foot vs. OVER the foot
Posted by Quickstep
5/7/2007  4:43:00 PM
Lets be sensible about this . If your extended front leg is not supporting any weight and your rear one also you just fold up and you will be sitting on the floor.
What was it you wrote that made me draw attention to the delayed action at the beginning of step three of the Feather.
Next Subject Balance. You wrote.
And yes when it is beyond, it is NOT BALANCED yet it is not a problem as long as you support by maintaning the drive . So if I understand you there is no support on your front foot therefore the only thing that is keeping you up is the drive from the supporting foot.
I'll say it again. A ballroom dancer in the Standard style does not fall onto any step.
To go to your first few comments in this thread. The bit about the weight going from the heel to the ball, you said toe.
You have lifted the heel of the supporting foot to soon which has sent your weight forward far to early. Shall I quote.
Quote from the latest revised book. Now let the body incline forward from the feet up untill the weight is felt mainly on the balls of the feet BUT NOT LETTING THE HEEL LEAVE THE FLOOR. Distribution of weight. When commencing a Walk from a closed position the weight must always be brought forward over the balls of the foot before a foot is moved.
Not a single word in the whole book that supports your theory that the body flies and that the weight goes to a point of imbalance. With the weight of the body going ahead of the feet, in this case, Foot after we are moving.
It is futile to try to defend the position you have taken. All you will be doing is introducing another mistake to cover the last one.
Just take the simple way out and do as the technique book says. Also sack that coach.
Re: Weight ON/IN the foot vs. OVER the foot
Posted by Anonymous
5/7/2007  9:12:00 PM
"Lets be sensible about this . If your extended front leg is not supporting any weight and your rear one also you just fold up and you will be sitting on the floor."

Yes, provided that this situation endured for long enough for that to happen. Which of course it does not. It's a very brief transitory instant - you split your weight there, my weight is simply in flight there. It's maybe 1% of the overall time of the dance.

"You wrote.
And yes when it is beyond, it is NOT BALANCED yet it is not a problem as long as you support by maintaning the drive . So if I understand you there is no support on your front foot therefore the only thing that is keeping you up is the drive from the supporting foot."

Absolutely. You can't support your body with the moving foot until it has stopped moving and become the standing foot (or at least a standing foot).

"I'll say it again. A ballroom dancer in the Standard style does not fall onto any step."

Technically, they fall through the steps. Falling is involved - that's simple physical fact. But the horizontal travel outweighs the falling, so you may not notice that it occurs.

"To go to your first few comments in this thread. The bit about the weight going from the heel to the ball, you said toe. You have lifted the heel of the supporting foot to soon which has sent your weight forward far to early."

No, I haven't lifted the heel, I have simply moved the point of pressure to the toe while keeping the foot flat.

"Not a single word in the whole book that supports your theory that the body flies and that the weight goes to a point of imbalance. With the weight of the body going ahead of the feet"

WRONG. Remember the feel the body move before the feet passage.

"It is futile to try to defend the position you have taken."

It needs no defence for the simple reason that it is correct. However, I do have a duty to prevent you from polluting the forum with your idiotic nonse that might confuse others.
Re: Weight ON/IN the foot vs. OVER the foot
Posted by Novice Q.
5/7/2007  9:37:00 PM
Read your book again. The weight moves from the heel to the ball of the foot. Then the foot takes over. Once we are moving you can forget that because the body will naturaly pass over your heel to your ball and once again the foot takes over. To write anything more into it than that is fiction. How long have I been waiting now for my request which was . I will put it another way. Which book or books says anything other than above.
Re: Weight ON/IN the foot vs. OVER the foot
Posted by Anonymous
5/7/2007  9:43:00 PM
"Read your book again. The weight moves from the heel to the ball of the foot."

You still don't understand the difference between the position of the mass, and the position of the pressure.

The center of mass KEEPS MOVING and thus is soon projecting far beyond the standing foot, out into space.

The pressure obviously cannot move any more forward than the end of the foot (until such time as the other foot is ready to receive your weight) and it practice can only go as far forward as the foot strength permits.

"Once we are moving you can forget that because the body will naturaly pass over your heel to your ball and once again the foot takes over."

What is this "foot takes over" nonsense? There is no other foot that is ready to take over - the moving foot still has at least half it's travel yet to complete before it's in a position to even contemplate taking any body weight. It's your standing foot or nothing - take your pick. Personally, I keep my weight pressure on my standing foot as long as possible, but I let my body move well in advance of it, because I believe in dancing smoothly rather than with jerky stops and starts as would be required to stay over a standing foot.

"Which book or books says anything other than above."

Alex Moore: Ballroom Dancing.

Or just watch the bloody videos for a change... pause it, draw a vertical line down the guy's back at a point before the moving foot has stopped, and you'll see that it falls AHEAD OF HIS STANDING TOE. Pure proof that he is OFF BALANCE WITH HIS WEIGHT AHEAD OF HIS FOOT. Yet despite the physical fact that he is FALLING it looks pretty good, doesn't it?

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